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e-cloth® Lab Results

Lab Testing Proves e-cloth® works! Using only water, e-cloth® removes over 99% of bacteria, including E. coli, Listeria and Black Mold!

e-cloth® claims their cloths can be used to:

  • clean 99% of bacteria from a surface using just water
  • the e-cloth® will grab up and hold onto the bacteria
  • a rinse under warm water releases the bacteria down the drain and after a rinse
  • the e-cloth® can continue cleaning without transferring harmful bacteria to other surfaces.

Sounds pretty incredible, right?

To prove it, e-cloth® commissioned the internationally accredited Silliker Group to conduct micro-biological research studies to test the cleaning power of water and e-cloth on hard surfaces that had been contaminated with different common bacteria. (Silliker is the leading food safety testing organization, with over 45 laboratories worldwide. Clients include Kraft Foods, Kellogg’s, McDonald’s and Carrefour.)

So, what did they do?

Using just water and e-cloths®, the lab put e-cloth’s® claims to the test.

The lab conducted their tests according to the directions e-cloth® provides to their customers. Like e-cloth® instructs, they just used water on the surfaces being cleaned and wiped with an e-cloth. They tested the surfaces before and after for bacteria count and for removal of E. coli, Monocytogenes (Listeria), and Aspergillus (black mold).

The results were amazing.

Using just water, the lab results showed that e-cloth® removed over 99% of bacteria, locking them away inside the cloths’ fibers, where the bacteria stayed until the cloths were rinsed, as e-cloth instructs.

Further tests showed, after a rinse with warm water, e-cloth® reintroduced just 0.01% of bacteria back onto a sterile surface. That’s basically, zero bacteria reintroduced.

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Each test was repeated 10 times in a row using the same e-cloth®, and each time, the transfer rate was 0.01% or less.

The conclusion:


Silliker affirmed that what e-cloth® claims is true. The same e-cloth® can safely be used over and over and over to achieve bacteria free cleaning with no chemicals, using just water.

These results further enhance the already unrivaled reputation of e-cloth® for water based cleaning. Chemicals are not always needed to remove thick grease, oil, grime, dirt and bacteria from around the home or workplace, and surfaces are left sparkling, smear and link free.

e-cloth is a real solution to the need for a cleaner home, environment and chemical-free cleaning!



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